Ashley's (Hardest-Ever) NYE Resolution

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2024! It's a brand new year, and Ashley has pledged to get in shape and lose weight!

Not to be outdone, Rose, (her egotistical, fitness-focused vegan roommate) has pledged to make sure Ashley keeps her resolution- not because Rose is sick of seeing Ashley fail... but because Rose is tired of Ashley's extra weight photobombing her fitness posts.

There have been plenty of Weight-loss resolutions in Ashley's past, but none have been successful. But, with girl-boss Rose along for the ride, this time Ashley's diet might actually work! Things will definitely get intense because Ashley has always been an emotional eater, calming her fits of furiosa with food. And, Rose? She is determined to never fail.

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Last updated Feb 28, 2024

10 page digital comic

15.7 MB
9 pages
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Ashley's (Hardest-Ever) NYE Resolution

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